The GLEAN method works for the following reasons:
1. It takes a structured 360 degree approach
Each person working on a contract has a different perspective and holds piece of the jigsaw which can only be seen if all views are brought together.
2. It creates heroes
Account managers are the heroes of the GLEAN® method. GLEAN® empowers them with the knowledge of how to maximise the cash and profit under their authority.
3. It creates a single version of the truth
Once there is no difference between the account view and the corporate view, both parts of the business can align on how best to go after the missing revenue.
4. It reduces risk by turning tacit knowledge into explicit information
Personnel, management and circumstances all change meaning information which is not documented can be lost. GLEAN® ensures such knowledge is captured so good management decisions are not compromised by change.
5. It creates a company action log using a common vocabulary
As companies push to achieve their period ends pressure can mount. A common action log which states each opportunity clearly ensures there is no misunderstanding between teams.
6. It creates discipline
Once an organisation takes an inventory of the 'goodwill' items it typically gives away as well as the revenue items or billable actions it often misses, then proactive measures can be put in place.
7. It creates trust
Openness and transparency work for all concerned. As well as bringing together management and their service teams, we find clients like their service companies to be in control of their billing. They see it as a sign of quality.
8. It engenders self respect
We believe you should be paid for what you do. Being a great service company does not mean you have to be subservient. Standing up and asking for what you are owed is essential to survival.
10. It is teachable and repeatable
Many organisations like to rotate their teams and will have a rolling list of new contracts. Having a clear methodology you can run in different parts of your business gives flexibility on when and how frequently you search for your hidden revenue opportunities.